COERR promote refugee awareness in natural and environmental protection including tree planting activity on special events all year round.
To cerebrate the World Environment Day which is on June 5th every year, COERR Mae Sariang in cooperation with the Peace Committee and Youth Group invited children and youth to participate in the Tree planting to cerebrate the World Environment Day as to raise children awareness in environmental protection. On June 11th and 18th at Ban Mae Lama Luang and Ban Mae La Oon camp, refugee children got together for registration and waiting in row for the program to start. Then Camp committee chairman opened the ceremony with speech about the importance of natural resources and environmental protection and how children can become a part of the process. Later, children and youth were accompanied to walk to the forest nearby and plant the seedlings provided for them.
Feedback from children are that they are proud involving in the environmental protection, excited at walking such far to the forest outside their camp and learning about planting for the first time together with friends.
The event in Ban Mae Lama Luang camp were participated by 305 children: 171 girls and 134 boys. In Ban Mae La Oon camp there were 273 participants of 153 girls and 120 boys.
Environment protection & Tree planting in Ban Mae Lama Luang camp on June 11, 2016

Environment protection & Tree planting in Ban Mae La Oon camp on 18 June 2016
